On July 25, 2019, Canada and the European Union issued a joint statement confirming they had reached an Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement to resolve World Trade Organization (“WTO”) disputes (at the Appellate Body stage). Starting on December 10, 2019, the Appellate Body will be unable to hear new appeals due to the United States blocking

Over the weekend, President Trump announced a deal with China. The result is the 10% tariff imposed on goods on List 3 of Chinese made goods will remain in place for an additional 90 days rather than increase to 25% on January 1, 2019. The challenge is there was no joint communique issued by the

On August 1, 2018, USTR Lighthizer issued a press release indicating he was following through with President Trump’s direction and will consider raising the rate of duty from 10% to 25% on those products on China 301 List 3. A formal notice in the Federal Register is expected soon.

Mr. Lighthizer also announced the written


This client alert was originally published on May 30, 2018, and now there is an update. Today, May 31st, President Trump announced a resolution with Argentina, Brazil and Australia regarding the 232 tariffs on steel (25%) and/or aluminum (10%), but as there is no similar agreement with Canada, Mexico or the EU, the tariffs

Originally published by the Journal of Commerce in May 2018  as part of its 100 Top Importers and Exporters Edition

Old movie buffs immediately recognize the inspiration for the title. There was a movie released in 1950 starring Bette Davis called All About Eve. Its most famous lines have bearing on current events impacting global

Since this article was originally published by MSK, we have learned China filed a complaint at the WTO challenging imposition of the threatened 301 tariffs. This WTO challenge is in addition to the one previously filed challenging the 232 tariffs the U.S. imposed.

The U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) has prepared for publication a Federal Register

Since the original publication of this Alert, South Korea and the U.S. have concluded their negotiations regarding the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, and, as a result, South Korea has been permanently excluded from the steel and aluminum tariffs.


Some events rather significant to international traders occurred in the last few days. First, on Friday,

Originally published by the Journal of Commerce in March 2018

As has been widely reported, on March 8, 2018, President Trump signed one Presidential Proclamations imposing a 25% additional tariff on defined steel products, and a second one imposing an additional 10% tariff on defined aluminum products.  The only countries exempted from the outset are

Earlier today, March 8, 2018, President Trump signed two Presidential Proclamations, one dealing with additional tariffs on steel and the other with additional tariffs on aluminum. As has been widely reported in the general press, those rates are 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum. The only countries exempted are Canada and Mexico.

Steel articles

Earlier today, President Trump announced his intention to adopt the recommendations of the Dept. of Commerce and impose tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. The formal signing is said to be taking place “next week”.  President Trump has stated those tariffs will be 25% on foreign-made steel and 10% on foreign-made aluminum. Hopefully when