In June 2018, Canada implemented a company-specific normal value review process. Normal value reviews are administrative proceedings conducted by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA”) upon request by an exporter – here is the link to normal value reviews that have been conducted or that are underway. This new normal value review process is
request for redetermination
What To Do When You Receive An Antidumping DAS From The CBSA
A Detailed Adjustment Statement (“DAS”) is an assessment of antidumping duties and/or countervailing duties, additional GST, and interest. It is like a tax assessment – only it relates to antidumping and countervailing duties. Customs duties and excise taxes can also be imposed on a DAS (with or without antidumping duties). You would have received an…

IREP Disputes Must Be Handled With Care
From time to time, importers who import dairy products (e.g., cheese, milk, butter) pursuant to the Import For Re-Export Program (IREP) may have a dispute with the Department of Global Affairs Canada (formerly DFATD and DFAIT) or the Canada Border Services Agency. Pursuant to the IREP Program, Canadian processors may obtain approval from Global Affairs…
IREP Disputes Must Be Handled With Care
From time to time, importers who import dairy products (e.g., cheese, milk, butter) pursuant to the Import For Re-Export Program (IREP) may have a dispute with the Department of Global Affairs Canada (formerly DFATD and DFAIT) or the Canada Border Services Agency. Pursuant to the IREP Program, Canadian processors may obtain approval from Global Affairs…
How To File A Tariff Classification Appeal in Canada

If the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) has made an error during a tariff classification verification, the importer may file a request for re-determination to appeal the assessment of duties. In most cases, the CBSA changes the tariff classification from duty-free…
How To Find Out What Is In The Canada Border Services Agency Files About You
Yesterday, we wrote about “How To Find Out What Is In The Canada Revenue Agency’s Files About Your Audit“. Today, we are writing about your Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) file. Would you like to know why the CBSA is not approving your NEXUS application? Would you like to know what the CBSA…