With few exceptions, importers of food into Canada require an import license issued under the Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations.  The Canada Food Inspection Agency has recently issued the following reminder that failure to secure and appropriately enter your valid Safe Food for Canadians food import license could result in your food imports being stopped


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Canadian businesses, small, medium and large import goods from China. It is a reality in a globalized supply chain.  Many Canadian businesses buy Chinese-origin goods from suppliers in a third country (e.g., the United States). Most businesses understand that they must pay all applicable customs duties at the time of importation.  Many companies understand

Which-way-150x150The Internet enables foreign companies to market and sell to Canadian consumers without setting up in Canada.  A common question of foreign sellers with opportunities to sell to Canadians is “Should I sell into Canada as a non-resident importer?” Before answering this question, we must go back to the basics.

What is an importer? 


Gavel and Scales of JusticeThe Government of Canada (in particular Global Affairs Canada) may pursue directors and officers of a corporation who fail to obtain the required export permits, licenses and certifications. Corporations cannot act on their own.  Individuals make decisions that cause the corporation to take actions.  With respect to exports, individuals take the steps that cause the