With few exceptions, importers of food into Canada require an import license issued under the Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations. The Canada Food Inspection Agency has recently issued the following reminder that failure to secure and appropriately enter your valid Safe Food for Canadians food import license could result in your food imports being stopped
import permits
What are the top 10 COVID-19 remote working issues for Canadian importers?
By Cyndee Todgham Cherniak on
Many Canadian import businesses have implemented remote working arrangements for employees as a result of COVID-19 government directives. Social distancing in business organizations can give rise to costly mistakes because business is not as usual. Importers have to adjust to the new normal and identify new (and existing) business risks. Most employees and managers are…
Canada Tables Arms Trade Treaty in Parliament and Starts Steps to Accede
By Cyndee Todgham Cherniak on
On June 30, 2016, Canada’s Global Affairs Minister Dion and International Trade Minister Freeland issued a joint Press Release that announced that the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (“ATT”) was tabled in the House of Commons and that Canada planned to accede to the ATT. Apparently, the ATT was tabled in the House of…