Many Canadian import businesses have implemented remote working arrangements for employees as a result of COVID-19 government directives.  Social distancing in business organizations can give rise to costly mistakes because business is not as usual.  Importers have to adjust to the new normal and identify new (and existing) business risks.  Most employees and managers are

There is a new/formalized antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) procedure in Canada.  Importers may now request a formal AD/CVD Scope Ruling from the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”).  Only the CBSA can make Scope Rulings relating to a Canadian International Trade Tribunal (“CITT”) AD/CVD Order.  Importers should consider filing a request for a Scope

Canadian parliamentCanada’s Partner’s in Protection (“PIP”) Program is a cooperative trusted traveller program between the Government of Canada (in particular, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”)) and private businesses engaged in importing and exporting activities (and suppliers thereto).  The purpose of the PIP program is cross-border trade chain security and trade facilitation of legitimate cargo by

globe and calculatorAfter the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) issues a final anti-dumping order, it will be in place for 5 years or even longer.  The longest anti-dumping order against whole potatoes from the United States has been in place for over 30 years.  We often get asked whether there is any mechanism in Canadian law to


Truckers (highway commercial carriers) can appeal the imposition of administrative monetary penalties (AMPs) imposed by the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) for failure to meet advance commercial information (ACI) reporting requirements.  The appeals are filed with the CBSA, Recourse Directorate.  We spoke to a source at the Recourse Direcotrate this week who informed us that

Gavel and Scales of JusticeAccording to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (“CITT”) in Worldpac Canada v. President of the Canada Border Services Agency, AP-2014-021 (Order and Reasons released on February 18, 2016 and posted on the CITT website on March 8, 2016), a “blanket authorization” is a “mechanism involving a specific process by which an importer can apply to

Christmas TurkeyBecause Canada has imposed an import ban on all poultry products from certain U.S. States.  On November 26, 2015, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) posted a News Release entitled “Let’s talk turkey: know the restrictions on poultry products before crossing the border”.  In this News Release, the CBSA notifies Canadians, residents and travelers

Christmas TurkeyThanksgiving is a time of year for families to get together.  There is a lot of food.  If your family is anything like my family, we exchange gifts with people we will not see over the Christmas holidays.

Border crossings get backed-up during important holidays, such as Thanksgiving.  This year, in 2015, due to the