
Let’s set out the target date of importance: Round 3 of the NAFTA Modernization/Renegotiation meetings will take place in Ottawa, Canada between September 23-27, 2017. Round 1 took place in Washington D.C. between August 16-20, 2017 and Round 2 will take place in Mexico City between September 1-5 in Mexico City, Mexico.


On August 14, 2017, Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Chrystia Freeland delivered Canada’s list of NAFTA Modernization (note, not “renegotiation”) “core objectives”.  Minister Freeland stresses that Canada’s mission is a modern and progressive free trade agreement.  She stressed that “Trade is about people” and jobs in Canada and Canada’s NAFTA partners.  Canada’s approach will be to

On April 6, 2017, Seth Godin posted “On Pie” on his blog.  I have thought about what Seth Godin wrote in “On Pie” many times when Canada, US or Canada-US trade issues arise, such as the Softwood Lumber AD/CVD Dispute, the 232 Steel Case, the 232 Aluminum Case, the Canadian FISC AD/CVD Case, NAFTA renegotiation,


lumber-LargeOn June 30, 2016, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Obama issued a Joint Statement on Softwood Lumber.  This is a historic/ongoing trade irritant that could escalate into a trade war on October 12, 2016.

After October 13, 2016, the United States may initiate new antidumping and countervailing duty investigations against softwood lumber


Shipping Container Above Stacked OthersTrade lawyers may have new tools in their tool belt as a result of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). So often when one reads about a free trade agreement, a Chapter will jump out as interesting.  Canada has not included a Chapter on trade remedies since NAFTA and the Canada-Chile free trade agreement.  As