With few exceptions, importers of food into Canada require an import license issued under the Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations. The Canada Food Inspection Agency has recently issued the following reminder that failure to secure and appropriately enter your valid Safe Food for Canadians food import license could result in your food imports being stopped
import controls
What We Have is a Failure to Communicate: Computer Programmers Should Not be Expected to Know Customs and Trade Compliance
This is a common problem – too common. The people in the company responsible for customs and trade compliance do not work closely with the computer programmers as software is being developed — and mistakes are made. The computer programmer does his or her job in preparing the code, but does not have any…
Canada Releases 2014 and 2015 Export and Import Controls Reports
On June 30, 2016, Global Affairs Minister Dion released the “Annual Report for the Year 2015: Annual Report to Parliament on the Administration of the Export and Import Permits Act” and the “Annual Report for the Year 2014: Annual Report to Parliament on the Administration of the Export and Import Permits Act…
Directors’ And Officers’ Liability For Failure To Obtain An Import Permit
The Government of Canada (in particular, Global Affairs Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency) may pursue directors and officers of a corporation who fail to obtain the required import permits, licenses and certifications. Corporations cannot act on their own. Individuals make decisions that cause the corporation to take actions.…
Directors’ And Officers’ Liability For Failure To Obtain An Import Permit
The Government of Canada (in particular, Global Affairs Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency) may pursue directors and officers of a corporation who fail to obtain the required import permits, licenses and certifications. Corporations cannot act on their own. Individuals make decisions…