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Originally published by the Journal of Commerce in December 2017

While Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his investigation, the recent guilty plea entered by Trump former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) serves as a reminder that when you are interviewed by a law enforcement agent, you better be sure what you say

It is true.  ThereGavel and Scales of Justice are legal requirements to export certain exports from Canada.  On September 1, 2015, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) reissued updated D-Memorandum D-20-1-1 “Exporter Reporting” to remind exporters of the rules. Any exporter, including a non-resident exporter may be required to report the goods being exported.  The exporter is the person

Gavel and Scales of JusticeIt is true.  There are legal requirements to report certain exports from Canada.  On September 1, 2015, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) reissued updated D-Memorandum D-20-1-1 “Exporter Reporting” to remind exporters of the rules.

Any exporter, including a non-resident exporter may be required to report the goods being exported.  The exporter is the person

Originally published in the October 2014 Journal of Commerce on-line

When have you done enough? Based on a recent exchange in a LinkedIn discussion group, there is real disagreement. Despite that lack of concurrence, two court cases decided in the last few months again drive home the point that proper internal controls are a must.

Originally published in the November 2015 Journal of Commerce on-line

Many trade associations are grappling with declining membership likely contributed to by the absence of pressing issues grabbing industry-wide attention, despite export reform and the ACE roll-out. A quite different phenomenon continues to expand – the criminalization of civil violations. Two recent cases are reminders

Originally published  in the January 2015 Journal of Commerce on-line

Last week, Women in International Trade in Orange County presented a half  day program that featured speakers from Customs and Border Protection, the Food & Drug Administration, Consumer Products Safety Commission and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.  The luncheon speakers were two Assistant United States Attorneys.