Most Canadian export controls and controlled goods compliance programs are built with the assumption that relevant employees who have access to controlled goods and technical data will be working in an on-site work environment and use work computers and in-house servers where information is securely stored with access and release restrictions and where work-related activities
Controlled Goods Directorate
Controlled Goods Registrants must notify the Minister of data breaches
Persons who are registered with the Controlled Goods Directorate must notify the Minister of Public Services and Procurement of any actual or potential data breach within 3 days of discovery of the breach. Since the requirement includes potential data breaches, Controlled Goods Registrants should report any hacking incidents, potential data breaches, employees taking company data,…
Controlled Goods Registrants must report ownership changes
Canadian companies whose business operations involve Controlled Goods must report changes to their Controlled Goods Directorate registration before an acquisition. This means that companies and their in-house and outside lawyers must ensure that the closing checklist includes the Controlled Goods Directorate reporting requirement. The due diligence checklist should also include questions about Controlled Goods registrations…
Canada Tables Arms Trade Treaty in Parliament and Starts Steps to Accede
On June 30, 2016, Canada’s Global Affairs Minister Dion and International Trade Minister Freeland issued a joint Press Release that announced that the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (“ATT”) was tabled in the House of Commons and that Canada planned to accede to the ATT. Apparently, the ATT was tabled in the House of…