On July 27, 2019, Global Affairs Canada started a consultation on whether South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and the United Kingdom should join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (“CPTPP”). An announcement was published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1. Global Affairs Canada has also indicated in a backgrounder that they “welcome views on

On July 19, 2019, Finance Canada announced public consultations regarding proposed changes to the Special Import Measures Regulations and issued a backgrounder.  The proposed changes are in response to submissions by the Canadian steel industry earlier in 2019.  The time period for consultations is very short – submissions are due no later than August

The Government of Canada is consulting with stakeholders concerning the allocation and administration of tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for dairy (e.g., cheese, milk, butter), eggs and poultry (e.g., chicken, turkey). Canada’s dairy, poultry and egg TRQs are implemented and administered by Global Affairs Canada in accordance with the Export and Import Permits Act and its


On April 23, 2019, the CRA launched public consultations to find out how it can change and what improvements it can make. In the April 23rd announcement, the CRA stated:

“Today, as part of its ongoing efforts to improve the client experience for individuals who interact with us, the CRA launched public consultations


On November 10, 2017, Canada’s Department of Finance made an announcement of a one month consultation process concerning the imposition of excise taxes/duties and goods and services tax (“GST”) and harmonized sales tax (“HST”) on cannabis products. Canadian stakeholders, businesses and the public have until December 7, 2017 to submit feedback as part of


On September 30, 2017, Global Affairs Canada commenced a consultation process with Canadians about on entering into a TransPacific Partnership Agreement with the remaining 11 counties (“TPP-1”).  An announcement was published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 151, No. 39 (September 30, 2017) concerning the consultations.  On page 3759, Global Affairs published a

Good BadOn July 19, 2016, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) commenced a public consultation process with respect to the eligibility criteria to be applied when assessing “good character” of Trusted Traveler Programs applicants. (See Announcement) As an extension, the CBSA is also looking at when NEXUS membership may be cancelled or revoked as a