
On August 1, 2017, the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (“CUFTA”) enters into effect. The CUFTA is a trade in goods agreement (that is, it does not cover services and investment). Canada has agreed to reduce most customs duty rates to “free” or 0% immediately upon implementation on goods that meet the rules of origin. 


Flag_of_Ukraine.svgCanadian flagOn July 14, 2015, Canada and Ukraine signed the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (the “CUFTA”).  As at January 1, 2016, Canada has not released the test of the CUFTA.  Also, on January 1, 2016, the Ukraine-EU Free Trade Agreement came into effect.  This means that Canada is behind the larger EU.  This means that

4378694036_b58f5081de_bWhen I say that the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement “should be ratified in 2016”, it is an opinion that it would be beneficial for ratification to occur.  I do not have any inside knowledge about the new Trudeau Government’s plans. In fact, we have heard very little from PM Justin Trudeau or Canada’s new Trade