Many NEXUS card holders in the Trusted Traveler Program are not aware that there are electronic forms available on-line that they can complete prior to returning to Canada with their purchases. The declaration process is simplified by the NEXUS Traveller Declaration Card (TDC). Canadian residents who are members of the trusted traveler programs may complete this form to declare goods purchased and/or acquired outside Canada and must give the completed TDC to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). At many land border crossings, there is a secure deposit box in which to submit the completed forms in the NEXUS lane.
The TDC may be completed on-line (and printed in hard copy) or may be completed manually in black pen (the CBSA specifically states a black pen must be used). For more information, please refer to the CBSA web-site.
Please note that the TDC form cannot be used if the traveler is returning to Canada with tobacco products (such as cigars (non-duty paid/duty free, cigarettes (non-duty paid/duty free), cigarillos and tobacco sticks).
I recommend that frequent travelers keep a number of blank printed forms in their glove compartment or in a brief case. The electronic form is downloadable and can be saved on a laptop with the information that stays the same (e.g., name, address, date of birth, identification, etc.). The main difficulty I find with the on-line form is finding a printer when I am traveling.
I should mention that I have clients who have completed and submitted the forms in the secure deposit box. The problem is that the CBSA officer in the NEXUS lane usually did not see them deposit the TDC in the deposit box. It would be helpful to inform the CBSA officer of the deposit of the forms if you are sent for a random secondary inspection as it may prevent misunderstandings.